Unload Tubes & Bin Sweeps
2 Hopper Unload Tubes

3 Hopper Unload Tubes

Unload tubes feature a fully assembled/welded construction. The fully welded assembly results in an easy-to-install, long life product.
Hoppers are built entirely out of 12 Ga. steel
Pull rods are protected inside
Floor brackets occur every 6-10' for a solid installation
Available for bin sizes 14-48'. Tube diameters includes 6", 8", 10"
Custom tubes are available in any length, up to 12" in diameter.
Hopper spacing and count can also be customized

The center hopper is complete with a bolt-on sweep pivot, and safety rods.

Intermediate hoppers have a 12" x 12" opening, and are guarded by 1/2" steel safety rods.

Hopper gates ride on steel rollers to ensure a long-lasting and reliable action.
Bin Sweeps

Bin sweeps, or "carry-in sweeps" have a light weight portable design to use in multiple-sized bins. Special sweeps are available in any lengths, up to 10" in diameter.
Hanger bearings are installed every 6-10'
For slower rotation speeds, we offer a multi-ply rubber reduction wheel
Choose between an electric or hydraulic configuation
Poly-flighting sweeps are available

The fully-threaded motor mount adjusts easily for quick setup.

Sweeps (up to 36') can be adjusted for 3 bin sizes. Flighting and sweep back "telescope" to the desired length.

A slide-on belt guard allows for easy access to the belt and pulley for maintenance operations.